Friday, April 20, 2007

VT Massacre

Well, in the last two weeks, a lot has happened. I found out I'm dancing 7 dances in my show in May... I busted my other knee (I've had this horrible right knee since like 5th grade... it collapses for no good reason, and aches.) the left knee now has this sharp pain everytime I put wait on it. You can tell that's wonderful for dance.
The main event this week has been the Virginia Tech Shootings. I was not directly affected, but I feel great empathy for those who were/are/always will be. Here's a poem I've written for the families:

On April 16, 2007,
32 souls went to heaven.
This horror and tragedy don’t make sense,
How can we find our way through the fog dense?

One misguided soul, just one,
That’s all it took- 32 lives undone.
Is it perhaps that to ourselves we are lying?
Could we have saved those kids from dying?

Candle-light vigils, crying in the night,
Tears fall from my eyes at the very sight.
Young lives halted, so early, so young,
We have yet to discover why the malice sprung.

We cannot comprehend the incomprehensible,
We cannot understand the non-understandable.
We cannot hear the thoughts of the killer that day,
We’ll never know, Cho didn’t wish to stay.

He had to run, and whatever his reasons,
He knew he was committing Godly treasons.
No one seems to love him, even in death,
What could he have been thinking with that last dying breath?

A college grieving, a nation strong,
We must stay together through the dark hour long.
Send on your comforts, send on your flowers,
And the sky will cry with April showers.

But please remember America,
Soon May will shine again on Virginia.
Nothing will be the same, there will be new soil to plough,
The sun will come again, but for now:

We are a college grieving, a nation strong,
We must stay together through the dark hour long.
Send on your comforts, send on your flowers,
And the sky will cry with April showers.

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