Monday, April 30, 2007

Fantasy Religion- World Cycle

Ok. I’m going to attempt to explain the religion I created for my fantasy world. It doesn’t really have a name, because it’s what everyone in the world believes, but I call it Empire Religion, because this world is divided into empires that change with every age (there are 6 ages that I concern myself with so far). This is just a basic overview, and I stayed out of the stuff like destinies and fate, which gets a little confusing- I'm still working on it. All of this information is based on my more recent notes, I have tons of stuff written down, and this newer stuff is the one I go by most of the time.

Some definitions you need to know:

4 Elements- Water, earth, air, and fire. They are part of the world cycle (explained later) in that order. They are the parents of all the sub-elements, and relate with the seasons. Each element has a male or female god to go with it.

4 Seasons- Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. In the world cycle, they each correspond with an element.

God-Goddess- Not truly a being at all, more of a spirit that resides in all things related to it. It’s like a quality, or aura. The earth god is in all that is green in growing, that kind of thing, but it’s not a being, or a living God, like ours in Christianity.

An Elemental- An elemental is basically a vassal of an element god. An elemental has some limited control over their element, this is called a “Gift”

Sub-element- a sub-element is a combination of two elements, kind of like a ‘child’ element. Weather, light, magic, magnetism, stone, natural disasters, and chaos are all sub-elements (there are tons more). Sub-elements ‘fuel’ the immortals, which are creatures who don’t naturally die. A unicorn is an immortal child of light and magic.

Element\season Relations: Water (goddess) goes with Winter (god), Earth (god) goes with Spring (goddess), Air (goddess) relates to summer (god), and Fire (god) corresponds to Fall (goddess)

Ok, to explain the Element\season relationship, is the World Cycle. The world cycle has four stages, each goes with a Season\element pair. The stages are: beginning, growth, thriving, and destruction. Winter is the first and last season of the year, and it relates to water, the first and last element in the cycle. This is the beginning stage, like in the Bible, before God creates the earth. Winter goes into Spring, and water fuels the growth of the earth, this is the growth stage, everything is blooming and becoming alive. The thriving stage is where the earth uses the air to live, and spring falls into summer, the time where things that bloomed thrive. And the destruction stage is when fall comes from winter and air feeds fire, which sheds the earth of impurities for the new beginning. Make sense?
Fire and fall are related, because they both clear away the earth to begin again. Fire is kind of the equivalent of Armageddon in the Bible. It is considered ‘evil’, but it truly isn’t. Destruction is necessary for life, just as winter cannot come until fall passes. Winter is a time where everything has died, like water puts out a fire. Spring/Earth has the most obvious relationship. Spring is when the earth grows out of the beginning, out of winter. And then Summer and air. Summer is the time when everything born in spring thrives. Summer is paired with air because air feeds the earth, but also fire. Summer is a time of thriving, but it’s also when the world becomes ‘corrupt’ and impure for fall.
Magic is the ability to influence the spirits/or gods by using an incantation and energy. A spell is easier to cast with a rune, which is basically a talisman of an element or season. Power stones are also used in magic. They are used as charms and amulets. There are a large number of them, but they cannot be created or destroyed. Each time a magician uses one up; it disintegrates, but is reborn elsewhere. Different stones relate to different sub-elements. Like a pearl relates to the sub-elements of money and luck. Many gamblers where an amulet of pearl for that reason. All birthstones are power stones, as well as many others. Emeralds have power for protection and defense.

(to be continued... this is the overview of why they worship nature, but I'll get to the worshipping part later. I'm trying to decide if I want an overall top diety, over the spirits and stuff. Any suggies? Comments? Complaints?


Pure.Ash said...

The part I mentioned about elementals has to do with fate... there is also a similar situation for humans called being 'touched' which is being a vassal of the immortals.

Anonymous said...

I would not make a higher/highest god/ess, because that leaves the thought of corruption of the other gods. (what I mwan is the other gods would become overthrown by the one god, and might create a civil war among the poeple, which of course is not going to be the plot of this story.)
This is me e mler, (but don't put my name on here again please!)

Pure.Ash said...

I dunno... I'm still not sure. I don't want to make it too much like Christianity, but then it would be nice to have an 'intelligent' being to pray to and stuff.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Anonymous said...

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