I like to walk around the farm and think. I usually take a notebook and my camera, just in case something happens. A weird thing happened today. I was sitting there, in the woods, by a ditch (old irrigation ditch, about three feet across, muddy, but no standing water) and I was writing in my little pocket notebook. I was actually writing something about the fact that ever since I started home-schooling, I’ve actually been having to read the Bible and care about what it says, and how it’s done wonders for me, mostly on my outlook on life. I was always very… I dunno, depressed, I guess. Kinda feeling like life was hopeless. But reading through the Bible and actually hanging onto what I was reading kind of helped me out of that. I have no clue why I was thinking about this, but then I began thinking about Christianity in general, and wrote something about believing in God is like having someone there to look after you all the time, and at that, I suddenly looked to my right, for no good reason, and right beside me was this cottonmouth snake. I mean right beside me… like maybe a foot away. I said something to the effect of “Oh God help me.,” out loud, and the snake backed off… it was really weird, and I’m not lying. I have photographic proof. The picture is of the snake going off, after I got a few feet away from it. It’s blurry, because I had the stupid zoom on, but the photo’s not the point I’m trying to make here. I should have a snake bite right now… I should probably be dead or really sick. Nobody makes the sudden movement that I did and doesn’t get bitten- it’s illogical, unnatural, not realistic. I swear something happened there… I have no clue what, but that snake should’ve bitten me. Something made it back off... it was really something different.

There’s the photo. It was a small water moccasin, but it’s the little ones that are the deadliest. They can’t control their poison output, so they put all of it into one bite. You get bitten by a big one, you may have the chance to get anti-venom or something, but a little one… you’re probably going to die. If I had gotten bitten, chances are that I would be dead. But it’s not the fact that I was that close to the snake that really gets to me, it’s the fact that it backed off, and while I was thinking that particular thought too… a coincidence… or something else?
number one: Good use of fact. Smaller snakes do indeed have less control, actually less experience to know what control is nessacary[sp], and are deadlier.
number two: No its not a coincidence. God is real, he loves you, and he is taking care of you.
I live on 200 acres of snake habitat… it’s pretty important to know what you’re dealing with. Snakes and rabid raccoons- two things to know about when you live out here.
I’m sure beyond a doubt that it wasn’t a coincidence… It was too weird. That snake just backed off, that doesn’t happen in the real world… too weird.
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