Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy b-day day Ash... yep- another day older. Today's been weird, I finished my spanish work for two semesters (I started two weeks ago), I did my CATs, and a lot of stuff broke. The washer stopped working, my mom's glasses got oil-based paint on them (ugh, she loves those glasses more than me- I swear), the Air conditioning, ARGH.
Anyhoo... I did rediscover why I used to like Linkin Park (sp??)... I was listening to something and that song 'Numb' came on. I don't like the lyrics as much as the music, but whatever. I was also listening to 'Break the Habit', and that so should've been my theme song in 5th grade, whenever I stopped liking pop music and replaced it with Greenday and AFI... *sigh* Memories... the beginning of becoming who I am, (or my downward spiral from pink and glitter to black and poetry- depends on who you are).
I just realized I went a whole month without a blonde joke. Haha- you wouldn't believe how many of those sterotypical wastes of time get tossed at me. You'd think that my SAT scores and resume would shut people up, but still, my hair color always catches up with me.
Yeah, so anyway, I'm gonna go update my profile... see ya,


(oh, yeah, I finally put my fictionpress account back up, go to to check out my profile, there's only two poems on there, but whatever)


Anonymous said...

Hey Happy Birthday! How have you been? I've been really busy but I just wanted to make sure that I said hello on your birthday. So what did you do for your birthday?
I really hope it went well! ;-)

Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. For my birthday... ummm let's see I did my CAT tests, whined about the broken Air conditioner (it was fixed but it broke AGAIN), and tried to fix the washer. Hey... at least I didn't have to cook dinner. Actually it was a pretty nice day. Thanks for remembering me!
~ Ash/Faerie_child